Since the new coalition government entered into force last year, the UK has undergone severe structural changes with relevance to this project especially the “Big Society agenda” which focuses on empowering local people to take greater responsibility for, and make decisions about , their lives. People are to have greater choice about the services they use thus increasing the opportunity for communities to engage with and create services. The government is therefore encouraging greater partnerships between the public and social sector to broaden services as well as encouraging the public sector to deliver services through a consortium of social enterprises. For this reason this pilot project comes at a very good time. It presents the perfect opportunity to trial new ways of creating partnerships across public, private and social sectors and test theoretical challenges in a real client based environment.
The UK Partnership:
- Devon Community Foundation
Martha Wilkinson - Well UK
Phil Aubrey - Serco Regional services Ltd / Peninsula Enterprise
Annette Morton - Devon County Council
Philip Nicholls