The SEEING partnership is made up of three European local authorities that are all front runners in respect of the social economy, each in their own way.

Local authority of Kolding in Denmark is a front runner in the area in Denmark, being the first local authority in Denmark to have developed a local strategy for Social Economy Enterprises and is now showing the way for other Danish local authorities.

Devon County Council in the UK is a front runner in the UK, having participated in several national projects, one – among others, where they have developed a local action plan for social enterprise. The UK in general is one of the European countries where social enterprises have the longest tradition because of the strong presence of charitable organisations in the business environment.

Local authority of Vielsalm in the province of Luxembourg in Belgium is a front runner in Belgium, being one of the first local authorities to have invested in the creation of social economy enterprises and adapted work places for citizens with a disability as far back as 1961.