The 24th of February 2014 the municipality of Kolding (DK), one of the SEEING project partners, held a local conference about the topic “Social economy and job creation for vulnerable groups”. The aim of this conference was to disseminate experiences and results of working with social economy enterprises in the municipality of Kolding to all interested actors in the Region of Southern Denmark.
The agenda of the conference can be found here (in Danish)
In the following links you find all presentations and information material from the conference (in Danish):
- Internationale erfaringer – fra Kolding Kommunes deltagelse i SEEING-projektet v/projektpartnerne Kolding Kommune og Merkur Andelskasse
- Rammer for samarbejde om beskæftigelsesrettede indsatser for udsatte v/Uffe Bech, Kooperationen
- Sammenhæng i samarbejdet – hvordan? v/Marianne Saxtoft, Samskabelse
- Vejen til job for udsatte borgere v/Marianne Saxtoft, Samskabelse
- Jobskabelse for udsatte – en lokal folkesag v/Marianne Saxtoft, Samskabelse
Information material
- Opsamling fra workshop